Note: Some Minecraft users have issues because of the mismatch version of Java and their operating system. If we don't know which version of Java is installed in our system, the Minecraft installer installs the latest version of Java by default. If you are using Minecraft version 1.12, the minimum required Java version is 8. After downloading the files, you can disconnect the internet and play offline. Note: The system must have internet connectivity for downloading the Minecraft files.
Compatible with Realms for Java Edition.

In this section, we are going to learn how to download and install Minecraft Java Edition. Due to high demand, its price is also high. It is a paid game because its demand is high. It is an educational game because it enhances creativity, collaboration, problem-solving skill. It also supports user-created skin and mods. The Minecraft Java edition is a cross-platform play between Windows, Linux, and macOS. In May 2009, it was released for personal computers. It is written in Java programming language. Minecraft is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios. Next → ← prev How to Download Minecraft Java Edition